August 24th
Mom and Dad met us in Molalla for breakfast. Then we went to visit their friend’s Barb and Rich in Carver, a Portland suburb. While the rains raged we took a zero day, doing chores and enjoying the luxury of a dry, warm space.
The recent rains gave us a chance to evaluate our gear. And being in the Portland area gave us a chance to replace some items and make some changes. We did our part to help the local economy by spending a couple hours and too much money at the local REI.
Some of the items we purchased:
* A Marmot Precip rain jacket and Columbia rain pants for me. The Frogg Toggs were inadequate and gained too much weight when wet. The Carrot bought new rain pants also.
* Weather resistant gloves for me and fleece gloves for the Carrot
* Pack covers for added protection from the rain.
* New shoes. A pair of Merrill “Baja Ventilator 2”. The Asolos I bought in Ashland have already deteriorated, after less than 400 miles. They have broken down on the inside of the heels. Although they may last another 100 to 200 miles, they will not make it to Canada.
* Medium weight wool blend socks, to replace worn out ones. Liner socks for the Carrot for added warmth.
* A new hat for the Carrot and an extra fleece top.
* A new sleeping pad to cut up and make new sitting pads, to replace worn out ones.
* A new stuff sack for the food bag, the old one is just too small for increasing appetites and longer stretches which lie ahead.
* New headphones for the radio to replace worn out ones.
* New hiking/running shorts to replace the old ones. He old shorts elastic was “shot” causing chafing in sensitive areas.
Mom and Dad also brought an extra layer of Polypro tops and bottoms from home to add to our wardrobe for wet and cold Washington. They also brought a replacement cartridge for our Pur Hiker water filter. The first replacement we have needed. Of course we only filter about 20% to 25% of the water we drink.
Hopefully we are better prepared for the next round of rain, which is sure to come as we are getting ever closer to September and the start of the fall rains here in the northwest.
We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening relaxing in Carver and enjoying a wonderful dinner made by Rich.