
We are currently on another long distance hike, and the third leg of our "triple crown", the Continental Divide Trail (the "CDT"). Come along with us if you can - if not in person then by following our grand adventure via our "posts from the trail".  Check out our Flickr Photos, which we'll update periodically, and see it through our eyes!

Our Credo...

"Success: To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!" ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Archive: PCT 2004 Daily Journals

September 9th

Intermittent rain left a dampness to everything this morning. We got up and out during a break in the rain. On the trail we were back in rain soon enough. And clouds. Walking high ridges we were walking right through the clouds. As we dropped a thousand feet in elevation to a lower pass we left the clouds and most of the misty rain behind.

In the afternoon the clouds started to break up and let some sunshine in, bringing a definite change in mood for the better. We were walking most all of the day through a series of clearcuts, depressing enough. Although the one good thing about the clearcuts …

September 8th

The miles seemed to come slowly today. We started late and stopped a couple times to enjoy the warm morning sun, while we could. Clouds and rain were forecasted for later in the day. With clear morning skies it seemed hard to believe, although from the ridge tops we could see distant clouds moving in.

At our breakfast break we tried some dried cereal we picked up from the hiker box at White Pass. At least we had thought it was cereal. It soaked up all the water and protein powder, as well as all the flavor. It was bland and chewy and not cereal. Still not sure what it was …

September 7th

Several times last night we heard the plaintive wail of an elk bugling, looking for love. He seemed to get no response other than the occasional yipping of coyotes and hoo-hoo-hooting of a nearby owl. Then came the mice with their scritching, scratching, plastic bag tearing and chewing sounds. We doubled the “offerings” to them that we had made of cheese nip crumbs and peanuts and they still wanted to tear into the carrots snack bag. Vigilant swatting of the bags was all that kept them away. So we had a fitful night’s sleep punctuated by sounds and furry (rodents) signifying nothing but mouse hunger and ungulate lust.

The trail ascended …

September 6th

At the Kracker Barrel convenience store we had breakfast, did laundry and managed to resupply from the meager selection of food items. The hiker box was of very little help, so we had to make do with the paltry offerings the store had on their shelves. Still, it was better than losing the time it would take to hitch into Packwood.

Originally we had been planning on taking a zero day here, but the sun is out, the sky is almost clear. It is too nice to not hike. Better to save the zero days for when it’s raining and cold.

Stream of backpacker and horse packers heading out, going home as …

September 5th

Once again, it was a misty, damp morning. There was a real chill in our little valley reminding us that fall is on the way. We were reluctant to leave the warm dry tent and so we were a bit slow in getting started. As we were packing up the clouds were lifting, revealing steep canyon walls, rock outcroppings and carpets of green clinging to them.

While we were walking the clouds continued to lift, and none too soon as we were about to climb up the final ridges to the “top” of the Goat Rocks where the views can be stunning. I remember it vividly as one of the highlights …






Clicking on any of these photos will take you to that specific photo on our Flickr Stream, where you can view these and many, many more photos from our latest adventure....or use this shortcut to all photos.....we hope you enjoy them!

People Shots

CDT20101_NMWCWMCDT2010_TheTrailCDT2010_NMWC-1Carrot After a Trail BathCarrot Stream Crossing #3,768Carrot on the Trail stillCarrot takes a Trail BathCarrot Stream Crossing #5.875Carrot on the TrailCliff Dwelling SignCarrot takes a PhotoCarrot Stream Crossing # 2,115

Scenic Shots

CDT2010-valleyCDT2010_yellowflowersCarrot on the Trail 3ScenicPotty BreakScenicCliff Dwelling Stream Vast DesertPrickly Pear 2Prickly PearPlateau at Sunset

Flora & Fauna

CDT2010_treesCDT2010_yellowflowersCDT2010-purpleflowersAngry MarmotFlora 3FloraBeaverButterfly 2FloraButterfly