
We are currently on another long distance hike, and the third leg of our "triple crown", the Continental Divide Trail (the "CDT"). Come along with us if you can - if not in person then by following our grand adventure via our "posts from the trail".  Check out our Flickr Photos, which we'll update periodically, and see it through our eyes!

Our Credo...

"Success: To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!" ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rocky Mountain High

The CDT from Silverthorne to Grand Lake does a lot of Up and Down. A lot. And it spends a lot of time above timberline. A lot. Of all the trail so far in Colorado, this section probably offers more Rocky Mountain High per mile than any other.

Our rainy days continue, and in the mountains that also means thunder and lighting. High ridges and extreme weather don’t mix well. We had several morning, yes mornings, where we stayed in the tent until the skies cleared enough to climb the next ridge. We sat out several mid day storms, and we camped short of our destination on a couple of nights due to the exposed trail ahead.  All this means that we are in Grand Lake, 2 days behind schedule. Just like in the army, we did more by 9am than most do all day, so we arrived early enough in the day for breakfast. We also have enough time today to do chores, so we will sacrifice our “day off” and head out tomorrow.  For thoseat home playing along with the counting days game, that means we will be one day behind schedule………..

Back on the trail, we did take advantage of one rain delay to take an unscheduled pit stop into the town of Grand Lake for food and spirits. And we were fortunate enough to have clear skies for the trail north of Berthoud Pass, where we hiked over three 13,000 ft peaks (and contoured around the tops of 2 more) all in just about 6 hours.  Stunning, though exposed, views.  The Carrot even manageed to conquor her fears of guidebook excess and climbed through the notch that was, rather sublimely, described as “near rock climbing” and “not quite needing ropes”……call her the “Climbing Carrot”.

This was also a great stretch for being in the back country.  Almost all of the 75 miles was in Wilderness and there were ungulates galore, mostly Elk and Mountain Goats, with a few deer tossed in for good measure. Things that make you go hmmmmmm…why don’t mountain goats get struck by lightning?  Afterall they hang around those high peaks and have lighting rod like horns????  Hmmmm…..

On now to the “Never Summer Range” of mountains; next stop Steamboat Springs.  326 miles done, 4 weeks tomorrow…..


2 Responses to “Rocky Mountain High”

  1. Sandy C. Says:

    Checked with Monte on the lightning/goat connection. He says that they don’t have rubber hooves, so they just get the heck off the ridge when the storm comes. And, they never think “Oh, the storm’s not quite here yet.” 🙂

    Nice stuff. As usual, I am somewhat envious. But not about the rain.

  2. william Says:

    we just had two glorious sunny days…after two days when it rained 3 times each day and we had double rainbows both morning and afternoon…hope you have had more rainbows than rain….

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Clicking on any of these photos will take you to that specific photo on our Flickr Stream, where you can view these and many, many more photos from our latest adventure....or use this shortcut to all photos.....we hope you enjoy them!

People Shots

CDT20101_NMWCWMCDT2010_TheTrailCDT2010_NMWC-1Carrot After a Trail BathCarrot Stream Crossing #3,768Carrot on the Trail stillCarrot takes a Trail BathCarrot Stream Crossing #5.875Carrot on the TrailCliff Dwelling SignCarrot takes a PhotoCarrot Stream Crossing # 2,115

Scenic Shots

CDT2010-valleyCDT2010_yellowflowersCarrot on the Trail 3ScenicPotty BreakScenicCliff Dwelling Stream Vast DesertPrickly Pear 2Prickly PearPlateau at Sunset

Flora & Fauna

CDT2010_treesCDT2010_yellowflowersCDT2010-purpleflowersAngry MarmotFlora 3FloraBeaverButterfly 2FloraButterfly