CDT 2009 – Another Summer, Another Hike!
Dear Friends and Family,
After finally clearing some potential hurdles, Deb, (the Walking Carrot) and I are taking off again this summer on another long hike. Our intention is to walk an unbroken path which will cover roughly the “southern third” of the CDT. We plan to spend June and July along the Continental Divide Trail (CDT), starting at the “official” CDTA monument at “Crazy Cook” at the Mexican border and heading north. We intend to be hiking until the end of July and aiming, if all goes well, for Spring Creek Pass in Colorado, about 8 weeks and 820 miles of hiking. You can check our detailed itinerary here.
We hope to be able to get enough of the trail done this year that we will only have another couple months of hiking left and that we will be able to do that next year or the following………
Our website will chronicle our trip, just as it did last summer. We believe you will find this a great source of information for this and other trips.
We hope you will come along and follow our progress by periodically checking back in on our website, or better yet by signing up for out email list or the RSS feed so you can receive all of our updates in a timely manner (if you haven’t already done so). If you’re receiving this via email, then you’re already subscribed so there is no need for you to do anything further.
If you feel so inclined please leave us comments, or if you need to contact us while we are on the trail see the page on “How to Contact Us” for further details.
More information on the CDT can be found by following the links on our website to the Continental Divide Trail Society as well as the Continental Divide Trail Alliance.
We hope your summer is a filled with adventure and spirit as will be ours!
Phil Hough, aka Nowhere Man, May 2009
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